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Future-Proofing Your IT Infrastructure: A Step-by-Step Guide for 2024

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Future-Proofing Your IT Infrastructure: A Step-by-Step Guide for 2024

Explore our comprehensive guide for future-proofing your IT infrastructure in 2024. Learn about strategic audits, scalability through cloud computing, advanced cybersecurity measures, robust data management, and regular maintenance to keep your systems at the forefront of technology.

Managing Multi-Cloud Environments: A Guide to Developing a Successful Multi-Cloud Strategy

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Managing Multi-Cloud Environments: A Guide to Developing a Successful Multi-Cloud Strategy

Unlock the power of multi-cloud environments with our comprehensive guide on developing a successful multi-cloud strategy. Learn how to efficiently manage and optimize your cloud resources for maximum performance and scalability.

The Internet of Things (IoT)

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The Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) isn’t exactly new – according to The Guardian, the first Internetconnected toaster was unveiled at a conference in 1989, and does anyone remember the movie “Smart House”? People have been intrigued by the idea of connecting anything and everything for years. Today, we actually have the technology in place to […]

6 Reasons the Cloud is Green

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6 Reasons the Cloud is Green

Cloud computing has flourished within the last few years and it has introduced numerous benefits to both businesses and the environment, simultaneously. The cloud has proven that not only can it help reduce the amount of energy that an organisation consumes, but also help to reduce carbon emissions. Cloud computing can make a big impact […]

Understanding the Cloud Computer Stack

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Understanding the Cloud Computer Stack

There are multiple cloud models, and it’s important to know them apart. These types of cloud computing describe exactly what a business can do with the cloud. These are the three distinct categories of cloud computing: 1. Software as a Service 2. Platform as a Service 3. Infrastructure as a Service. Knowing the difference between […]

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud

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Benefits of Hybrid Cloud

In the last article, Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud we concluded that Hybrid Cloud is expected to see a lot of growth in coming years, due to the fact that it offers benefits of both public and private cloud models. In this article we disucss Hybrid Cloud in a bit more detail to understand why […]

Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud?

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Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud?

When it comes to business, cloud computing is on everyone’s mind. This next generation of computing technology is proving to be extremely beneficial for organisations of every size. With this increased consideration of the cloud, many are deciding how to best integrate it into their business. There are three main forms of cloud computing: public, […]

Managed VMware Cloud on AWS

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Managed VMware Cloud on AWS

Many customers are using VMware for their virtualization, as VMware has 76% of that market. AWS is also the leader in public cloud today. The two together provide the best of both private and public cloud functionality. VMware Cloud™ on AWS (VMC on AWS) brings the VMware enterprise-class private cloud SDDC software to the AWS […]

What is Hosted Exchange?

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What is Hosted Exchange?

These days for a business to thrive and succeed, quick and reliable email isn’t an option – it’s a necessity. Traditionally businesses have built their own in-house, email platform to provide email to their users.

Improve business collaboration with Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)

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Improve business collaboration with Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)

The way we communicate in the office has evolved over the years. Traditionally IT Managers of medium to large size companies operate and maintain an on-site, PBX server for their Unified Communications.

What are the benefits of DRaaS?

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What are the benefits of DRaaS?

Every business needs a Disaster Recovery or DR Plan to protect their IT environment and resume business after a catastrophic event.